International students explore ICH, community governance in Shanghai | Jul 23, 2024

Twenty-one international students from Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)'s summer camp took part in a meaningful cultural activity on July 9 in the Quyang Road subdistrict, located in Shanghai's Hongkou district.

This activity not only gave the international students an in-depth understanding of Chinese community governance, but it also gave them a chance to experience one of the city's intangible cultural heritage (ICH) firsthand.

In recent years, SISU and the Quyang Road subdistrict have collaborated on various activities to provide international students with a platform to explore Chinese culture firsthand and gain a more nuanced understanding of China. These joint efforts aim to offer a genuine representation of Chinese society and the country's rich cultural heritage.


The international students visit local community service center, which provides diverse and convenient services to community residents. [Photo/WeChat ID: Study_in_SISU]


The international students meet with some local residents and practice Chinese calligraphy with them. [Photo/WeChat ID: Study_in_SISU]


Under the guidance of a teacher, the international students experience finger-palm painting, an intangible cultural heritage item in China. [Photo/WeChat ID: Study_in_SISU]

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