Shanghai University students explore urban development in Jing'an district | Jul 23, 2024

Chinese and international students from Shanghai University recently participated in a summer social practice activity in Jing'an district, Shanghai, to explore Chinese-style modernization from a global perspective.

The students visited local landmarks and distinctive architectural sites to examine the district's evolution. Their goal was to understand how Shanghai, as an international metropolis, maintains a people-centered approach in its modernization process while preserving historical memories and cultural charm to create high-quality living spaces.

The first stop was a former shikumen (lane house) neighborhood, now home to the Site of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China and other historical buildings. This area exemplifies Shanghai's "park city" concept, integrating Chinese landscape gardens and historical-cultural elements into urban green space development.

In Fudeli Park, amidst the shade of trees, the students experienced the unique charm of "Shanghai-style gardens" and the legacy of "red culture". They conducted random interviews with visitors, who praised the district's improved transportation, living environment, and the integration of green spaces.

An international student from the Bahamas commented on the harmonious blend of nature and urban life in Shanghai, highlighting the city's beautiful parks and buildings.

Through this experience, the students gained a deeper appreciation of the area's history, culture, and spirit. They observed how the concept of harmonious coexistence between people and nature, along with the preservation of historical and revolutionary memories, is perfectly integrated into Shanghai's modern urban setting.

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