7 useful Chinese phrases for Chinese language students

That\'s Mandarin | Sep 1, 2023

As the new semester in China officially kicks off on September 1st, there's no better time to equip yourself with essential Chinese vocabulary for your Chinese language journey.

This week, learn 7 useful phrases you might need when attend a Chinese language class.

01. I'm ready to start a class

As a class is about to start, you can use this phrase to inform your teacher that you are prepared:


Wǒ zhǔn bèi hǎo shàng kè le.
I am ready to start a class.



The structure "准备好 + Verb/Action" is used to indicate that the subject has completed the necessary preparations for the mentioned action. 好 (hǎo) here adds the nuance of being "well" or "properly" prepared, emphasizing a state of readiness.

02. Can you speak a little slower?


If you find the need for the teacher to speak a little slower, you can employ the following expression:


Qǐng shuō màn yī diǎn.
Please, speak a little slower.

Adding "一点" helps to make the request more polite, as it indicates that you're not demanding a significant change in speed.

03. Could you repeat, please?


If you didn't catch or understand clearly the first time, you can politely ask a teacher to say one more time:


Qǐng zài shuō yī biàn.
Could you repeat, please?

This phrase literally translates as "please-again-speak-once". Use it when you wish for someone to repeat what they've just spoken.


一遍 (yí biàn) signifies "once" or "one time", and is used to indicate the frequency or repetition of an action. It's often paired with verbs to quantify how many times an action has been done. Here are a few more examples of its usage:

Tīng yī biàn.
Listen once.

Liàn xí yī biàn.
Practice once.

04. Could you give me an example?

The most effective approach for learning new vocabulary is to employ it within real-life contexts. If you want to know how to use a new word in real life, you can ask:

Nǐ kě yǐ gěi wǒ yī gè lì zi ma?
Could you give me an example?

05. I have a question / I don't have any questions

During the class, if you have any questions for the teacher, you can say:

Wǒ yǒu yī gè wèn tí.
I have a question.

If the content of the class is clear to you and you have no questions, let a teacher know it by saying:

Wǒ méi yǒu wèn tí.
I don't have any questions.

06. What does this word mean?

While learning Chinese, you'll encounter a realm of new vocabulary. If you've learned a new word but don't clearly understand the meaning, you can ask a teacher:

老师, XX是什么意思?
Lǎo shī, XX shì shén me yì si?
Teacher, what does XX mean?


什么意思 (shénme yìsi) is a common phrase that translates to "What does it mean?" or "What's the meaning?" It's a straightforward way to inquire about the meaning of something in conversation.

07. I understand now. Thanks!

Wǒ míng bai le. Xiè xie!
I understand now. Thanks!

明白 (míng bai) means "to understand", "to get (the meaning)".

Remember to incorporate these phrases into your practice and make the most out of them. Wishing you the best of luck in your Chinese learning journey – keep up the dedicated practice!

Source: That's Mandarin

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